Saturday, December 1, 2007

Dancin' Fools

This is what Tatum and I did tonight. Check it out!!!

Monday, November 26, 2007

A visit with Santa

Tatum visited Santa yesterday and was so cute! He asked Mike to make a list and even put a present for us. I thought that was pretty thoughtful.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Free Labor

My father is in the process of building a shed and put the guys to work! They still have alot to do to finish, but at least it's started.

Shed Building

Can you feel the love?

Mike & Bec

Sunday, November 18, 2007

You might be a band nerd if...

You've ever done roll-step while walking with a full plate or glass to keep things from spilling.
You've never been on a Friday night date, thanks to the football games.
You walk in step with any music you hear.
When you retell some of your favorite memories of summer, you start with the phrase, "This one time at band camp..." and mean it.
All your friends are in band.
You know how to play 10 popular-stand tunes, but know the words to none of them.
You point out key changes and dynamics when you listen to the radio.
You've never had to pay to get into a football/basketball game.
You've never sat in your class section at a pep rally because you're always playing.
You start humming a showtune from three years ago and your friends join in with their respective parts.
You think there should be horn pops in symphonic band. (for marching band geeks)
You insist (no, KNOW) marching band is more physically and mentally taxing than football.
Someone asks you who your favorite band is and you say "High school or college? DCI? Which division? I, II or III?"
You feel the overwhelming compulsion to tap out a drum cadence on the nearest hard surface, even if that means tapping it out on the stranger standing next to you.
You know what it's like to have a reed frozen to your lips.
You get upset when an audience can't clap in time or on the right beats.
You can tell what someone plays just by looking at them.
When you hear a school with the same fight song, you want to join in and play.
You get excited when you hear songs in movies that your band played.
You get annoyed when you are listening to the radio and the car's blinker is not in sync with the beat of the music.
You subdivide into 8ths, 16ths, triplets, and quintuplets a turning signal, walk pace, song on the radio, or just about anything that keeps time.
You describe distance in 8-to-5 steps.
You listen to a song and think about how cool it would be to arrange it for a field show.
You've ever tripped with your instrument and sacrificed your body to protect your horn.
You tap your foot to elevator music and the radio.
You trade instruments when there's a substitute teacher for band class.
You've learned the hard way not to walk through the brass section without shoes.
You know that getting to a band event early means you're on time, on time means you're late, and late means you're in trouble.
You have a neck strap tan line.
You don't mind changing clothes on a bus.

*If you've ever been in band, then I hope some of these make you laugh. I lifted this list from Anne's blog.

Friday, November 9, 2007


At school this week, the kids have been working on projects for Thanksgiving. The teacher sent home a feather and asked that each child decorate it to express what they are thankful for. Tatum used my stamps and decorated his feather on his own and then I wrote the words he wanted on there. I think it's really cute.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Better Late Than Never

okay...okay...I know I haven't posted anything in quite a while. We've just been really busy around here. I've posted some photos of our activities so far this month.

Bike Riding

Bike Rider

Pumpkin Patch


Monday, October 1, 2007

Quote of the Week

"Be kind to everyone. That is the rule of golden."
- Tatum

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Jack's Debut

Our family has been so blessed to have the addition of Jack Arthur Serlo, son of my beautiful cousin, Leighton and her husband, Matt. Okay, so I'm about 4 months late in this announcement, but thought I should make it formal since this is his debut on our blog. I have a couple different sets of photos and will make sure to add more each time I receive them.

Gangsta Jack

Jack's 3 Month Portraits

This guy is SO HANDSOME!!!!

Baby Jack

The Yates Family

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Gulf Shores

We took a little vacation with my parents, Gigi and Guppaw, to Gulf Shores during Tatum's fall break.

Gulf Shores, Day 1

Gulf Shores, Day 2

We just hung out at the beach and pool all day. It was so fun and relaxing.

Gulf Shores, Day 3

Gulf Shores, Day 4

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Constant Performer

Here is a VeggieTales classic -

Barbara Manatee,

You are the one for me,

Sent from up above,

You are the one I love

Me & Rocky

Rocky is the 'pet' dog in Tatum's Pre-K class. He gets to come home with each kid so they all get to play with him. Rocky came home to our house this week. After each child spends time with Rocky, they write in a journal about the things they did. Here is Tatum's journal entry. He was so excited to have Rocky at home with him and Rocky did EVERYTHING Tatum did. It was very cute!
This is another cute photo of the two of them.

Friday, September 7, 2007

future dance instructor

dancing like a ninja turtle....a bright future indeed!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

I <3 The Office

For those of you who don't know about The Office, you are missing one of the best things in life. It is a great TV show!!! We absolutely love it and the new season starts Thursday, September 27th on NBC. Everyone should tune in!

As exciting as the beginning of the 4th Season is, we are also VERY excited that season 3 has come out on DVD. We got some extra surprises when Mike purchased the DVDs - a letter from Michael Scott (see the document to the right), a Dundie Award and a Dwight bobble head. I will take pictures of the 2 latter as well so everyone can admire, but please, do not covet; you can purchase your own at your local Best Buy.

Labor Day Photos

Here are some more photos of our Labor Day weekend.

Labor Day Weekend

Here are some videos from the weekend too.

Tatum conducting like Leo (his favorite character in the Little Einsteins)

Morgan and Tatum blowing bubbles

Blast Off to the Planet Garg

Slumber Party

Tatum decided to have a little slumber party tonight with Batman and Buzz Lightyear. I don't think I really have to say this, but man....this boy is too cute!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Playhouse Disney Concert

On Saturday, we went with Granna & Dude to the Playhouse Disney concert to see Mickey Mouse, Handy Manny, My Friends Tiger & Pooh and The Little Einsteins. Tatum had a great time and it was fun for all of us to watch him have so much fun.

Playhouse Disney

Kameron's 2 Year Old Portraits

Here are some pictures of our handsome newphew, Kameron! We love you Kam!

Kameron's 2 Year Old Portraits

Thursday, August 30, 2007


So I've figured out we can post of course, I had to do that! The first is about a topic very close to our hearts - college football. The second is for the great city of Woodstock in which we reside. Apparently as this great metropolis expands, the city feels we need a new slogan - so please help us decide what to vote on.


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ok, now she's pressing buttons to get me to participate

Well, I didn't want to do this, but my football manhood is at stake. Wow, called out by my hurts, it really does. I'm not into this whole "blog" thing, but you attack my football, you attack me. Anyway, as you'll notice in the picture above who the true fan is, what is that just a grey shirt?! Truth be told I think someone is a bit of a Hawkeye fan, she's just afraid to admit it. I think she has forgotten about the magic of her first college football game:
.....Oh and did I mention that Florida cheats???

no love on this blog

I'm not sure how many folks out there are excited about the beginning of the 2007 College Football season, but I do know that my household is STOKED! I have included a schedule for the SEC on this post so we can all follow along this year; sorry to all you ACC & Big 10 fans - no love on this blog. I realize this last comment alienates a member of our household, but he can post the Big 10 schedule if he would like. He thinks the Big 10 is better - what a silly Midwesterner! :)

wmode="transparent" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" />

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to my cuz Margaret and Pattie! We couldn't be with them today, but we went out to celebrate anyway. We went to the Japenese Steakhouse with my parents and all had a great time. Hope these beautiful ladies had a great day! We love you guys!!

Birthday Dinner

Campin' Out

Tatum decided he should 'camp out' in his room last night and I caught a few pics of him before he fell asleep. This kid is just too cute!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Fingers and Toes

Tatum was so cute in the bath tonight...he made sure he cleaned each and every fingernail and toenail. JUST PRECIOUS!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

A Clean Room

This weekend we conquered the beast called "TATUM'S ROOM". It's been a while since his room was really cleaned up so it was an all weekend process! We were able to devote a little corner for him to do his art work. That's his favorite part! We also found these great toy boxes at Ikea that fit perfectly under his bed. I still need to label them, but so far they have worked well.

Here are pictures of Tatum in his 'art studio' before bed.

FYI - Tatum drew that picture of a boy with an 'X' to show a bad boy who doesn't clean up. Pretty funny, huh!?!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

A is for ...

Tomorrow is show and tell at Pre-K and the kids are supposed to bring an item that starts with the letter A. Mike and I were stumped. We couldn't think of anything besides Apple and Mike said that was too boring. So Tatum out-smarted us both! He came up with Airplane. Thanks Aunt Morgan for the present!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

It looks like....

Kids say the funniest stuff sometimes and this is a Tatum classic. Tonight we were playing the Surf's Up video game and at the beginning the picture below appears. Tatum got really excited and exclaimed "That girl looks like JESUS!"

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Surf's Up

Mike bought the Surf's Up video game for Tatum. We have all had fun playing the game today and naturally, Tatum is definitely the funniest to watch.

Friday, August 10, 2007

What a Cutie!!

Michael took this picture this morning of Tatum in front of his school. He really loves his new Pre-K class and is enjoying it alot! His favorite part of the day is music time when they play a game that he calls Animal Action. This is where the song tells them to act like different animals. He showed us how to play last night. :)

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Imagination Fun

Tonight, Tatum and I did something we've never done before - we played Duck, Duck, Goose and Hot Orange (the same concept as Hot Potato) with some new players - a blanket, a pillow and his bear, Stein. Needless to say, it was quite humorous! He is always so funny!

Pool Fun

Here are some more pics from this past weekend.

Pool Time

DeSoto Caverns - Aug 4

On Saturday, we went down to DeSoto Caverns with Mike's parents and sister, Morgan. We had a lot of fun and Tatum really enjoyed the cave. He is still talking about being in TOTAL DARKNESS. Although, we weren't in total darkness because we were all wearing glow in the dark braclets (that Tatum/I made). He was excited that his bracelet was glowing and announced it to everyone in the cave. After we experienced total darkness, there was a 'laser' light show. It was more like a bunch of red, blue and green light flashing with an audio track - I was expecting something similar to Stone Mountain's laser light show. Needless to say, it was slightly disappointing, but funny nonetheless. After we toured the cave, Tatum panned for gold, we all played putt-putt golf, and then battled boys against girls in 'the pirate nerf shooting game.

Desoto Caverns