Sunday, April 27, 2008

Bubble Boy


Tatum went to a birthday party and the kids played Twister. It was a humorous scene to say the least!

My Beautiful Baby Boy!!

Superhero Dog

Tatum thinks Ellie looks like the dog, Buster, on My Friends Tiger & Pooh so he made her a collar to match Buster's. She didn't really like it too much and it didn't last long at all, but at least I got one photo of it!

Friday, April 18, 2008

We visited with Tabitha and her kids a while back and here are some photos of everyone playing outside. Their house sits on a small hill so the kids rode their bikes down the hill. Tatum was quite adventureous that day and I was very proud....and then really nervous!


Wacky Day

Tatum had "Wacky Day" at school and he thought his outfit was really WACKY!!! You can't tell in this picture, but he really was excited about it. He decided to wear his pants backwards, a dress shirt with sweatpants, a t-shirt over it and then the t-shirt was backwards too. Oh, and he wore two different socks! This was right up his alley!

Tatum received Monopoly on his birthday and has really mastered this game!

He is a tough guy to beat. To be honest, I haven't done it yet!

He got a bit excited and celebrated a little!