Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Jack's Debut

Our family has been so blessed to have the addition of Jack Arthur Serlo, son of my beautiful cousin, Leighton and her husband, Matt. Okay, so I'm about 4 months late in this announcement, but thought I should make it formal since this is his debut on our blog. I have a couple different sets of photos and will make sure to add more each time I receive them.

Gangsta Jack

Jack's 3 Month Portraits

This guy is SO HANDSOME!!!!

Baby Jack

The Yates Family

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Gulf Shores

We took a little vacation with my parents, Gigi and Guppaw, to Gulf Shores during Tatum's fall break.

Gulf Shores, Day 1

Gulf Shores, Day 2

We just hung out at the beach and pool all day. It was so fun and relaxing.

Gulf Shores, Day 3

Gulf Shores, Day 4

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Constant Performer

Here is a VeggieTales classic -

Barbara Manatee,

You are the one for me,

Sent from up above,

You are the one I love

Me & Rocky

Rocky is the 'pet' dog in Tatum's Pre-K class. He gets to come home with each kid so they all get to play with him. Rocky came home to our house this week. After each child spends time with Rocky, they write in a journal about the things they did. Here is Tatum's journal entry. He was so excited to have Rocky at home with him and Rocky did EVERYTHING Tatum did. It was very cute!
This is another cute photo of the two of them.

Friday, September 7, 2007

future dance instructor

dancing like a ninja turtle....a bright future indeed!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

I <3 The Office

For those of you who don't know about The Office, you are missing one of the best things in life. It is a great TV show!!! We absolutely love it and the new season starts Thursday, September 27th on NBC. Everyone should tune in!

As exciting as the beginning of the 4th Season is, we are also VERY excited that season 3 has come out on DVD. We got some extra surprises when Mike purchased the DVDs - a letter from Michael Scott (see the document to the right), a Dundie Award and a Dwight bobble head. I will take pictures of the 2 latter as well so everyone can admire, but please, do not covet; you can purchase your own at your local Best Buy.

Labor Day Photos

Here are some more photos of our Labor Day weekend.

Labor Day Weekend

Here are some videos from the weekend too.

Tatum conducting like Leo (his favorite character in the Little Einsteins)

Morgan and Tatum blowing bubbles

Blast Off to the Planet Garg

Slumber Party

Tatum decided to have a little slumber party tonight with Batman and Buzz Lightyear. I don't think I really have to say this, but man....this boy is too cute!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Playhouse Disney Concert

On Saturday, we went with Granna & Dude to the Playhouse Disney concert to see Mickey Mouse, Handy Manny, My Friends Tiger & Pooh and The Little Einsteins. Tatum had a great time and it was fun for all of us to watch him have so much fun.

Playhouse Disney

Kameron's 2 Year Old Portraits

Here are some pictures of our handsome newphew, Kameron! We love you Kam!

Kameron's 2 Year Old Portraits