Monday, July 2, 2007

Tatum Update - Monday

So I called to talk to my precious boy tonight, but he had already fallen asleep. :( Good for my parents, but sad for me. Here is his quote of the day:

Scene: My mom (Gigi) and Tatum are home alone. Tatum has strung yarn all over my parents kitchen to create a spider web (a common activity at my parents house). My mother took the yarn off the pantry door so she could open it. Tatum walks in and to his dismay, the web is ruined!

Tatum: WHAT happened in here?
Gigi: I don't know. I guess someone took your yarn down.
Tatum: WHO would do something like THAT?!?

Okay - I miss his silly sense of humor and it's a large possibility that I'm the only one who finds that funny, but it makes me feel good to tell others anyway. :)

It seems that he was quickly over the ruined web and started the 4th of July festivities early.

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